Patricia Nettleton

Patricia feels blessed to hold the position of youth religious education program director for Saint Mark Church for 15 years. The formation of faith in our children is not only the future of our church but is the present of our church. She works on bible study camp with classes...

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Andy Dzujna

Deacon Andy has served Saint Mark’s as a deacon for the past 30 years. He conducts the program for the children’s masses as well as the adult RCIA program that prepares adults for baptism and welcomes them into the church.

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F. Paul Kurmay

Deacon Paul has served as a Deacon at St. Mark’s since 1985. He founded Bethlehem House in 2000 (a transitional home for homeless families). He also founded the Lord’s Kitchen in 2011, with St. Mark volunteers and those of 10 other area churches serving meals Mondays and Wednesdays of each...

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