2024-2025 Religious Education
Religious formation classes will once again be held weekly in-person in the St. Mark school building. Classes will begin October 1, 2 and 3. After registering below, please arrive on your chosen day for the first day of class.
Religious Education CalendarIn-Person Classes:
Grades 1-6 will meet weekly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, 4:00-5:00pm. Parents may select the day that best fits their child’s schedule.
Grade 7 or above will meet weekly on Thursday evenings, 6:00-7:00pm.
Grade 8 or older students who have made their Confirmation are encouraged to attend Senior Youth Group on Sundays, 6:00-7:30pm (more below).
Students in grade 7 must complete 15 hours of parish or community service (uncompensated) over the course of the school year as a requirement for Confirmation. Regular attendance at Youth Group meetings and service events will satisfy 10 of these service hours. Additionally, Confirmation prep students must attend at least two Life Nights between October and May (though they are invited and encouraged to attend them all!).
- In Parish: $105 for one child, $185 for two and $240 for three or more.
- Out of Parish: $155 for one child, $285 for two and $390 for three or more.
- Sacraments: An additional fee of $35 per child will be assessed for students in grades 2 for First Holy Communion sacramental preparation. An additional fee of $75 per child will be assessed for students in grade 7 or above for Confirmation sacramental preparation.
Contact Patricia Nettleton in the Religious Education Office for more information at (203) 257-8342 or pnettleton@stmarkstfd.org
Contact Jared Forcier for questions regarding Youth Group or Flocknote at jared@stmarkyouthgroup.org.
Online Registration Diocesan Consent & Release Payment VoucherYouth Group:
Students in grades 7-12 are invited to join our Youth Group. We meet year-round in the Youth Group room on Sunday evenings 6:00-7:30pm, and our meetings include dinner in most cases. Youth Group is a place where youth can come together to build friendships, have fun and grow in their faith. It combines social activities, service opportinities, small group discussions and fellowship to provide youth with a unique experience they are sure to enjoy. It’s a great opportunity to put our faith into action, while having fun and making friendships to last a lifetime. There is no cost to participate in Youth Group, and all youth are welcome regardless of which school or church they attend.
New members are always welcome.
Sign Up for JYG/SYG Youth Group Web PageSafe Environment Resources are Available to All Parents:
The Diocese of Bridgeport is committed to the safety and welfare of our children!
The Diocese of Bridgeport offers all parents the opportunity to attend Safe Environment training to supplement the Safe Environment training your child receives in public school. Please visit the Diocese of Bridgeport website to learn more and to sign up for this free and valuable training: https://www.bridgeportdiocese.org/safe-environments/home/.
Additional resources are available and free to all parents at our parish. These resources include articles on human trafficking, youth protection, and care for vulnerable adults. Please visit the Virtus website Resources page for information: https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/virtus_resources.cfm.
Youth Group Go-Karting Event
On Sunday, February 5, members of our junior and senior youth group went go-karting in Wallingford, CT. We had fun taking laps around the course, and perhaps gained some good practice for when we get our licenses!
Youth Group Kicks off Fall Semester with Color Run
On Sunday, September 19, our Youth Group hosted a Color Run event to kick off the fall semester. It was an opportunity for youth to come together to meet new friends and have some fun getting messy while learning about our Junior Youth Group (for 6-8th graders) and Senior Youth...