Father Russ is Retiring: Reception in the Parish Center, Sunday, June 23 following the 11:30 a.m. Mass
FATHER RUSSELL AUGUSTINE’S RETIREMENT: After 35 years of priestly ministry in the Diocese of Bridgeport, eight (8) of which he spent at St. Mark, Fr. Russell Augustine is retiring from active ministry on June 30, 2024. Fr. Russ is a wonderful priest who is very committed to his priestly...
St. Mark Knights of Columbus Food and Clothing Drive, Saturday, June 22, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon
The summer months place a greater burden on the food pantry at Blessed Sacrament, Bridgeport, due to the area children being out of school and not receiving breakfast and lunch in their classrooms. St. Mark’s Saint John Paul II Knights of Columbus Council #8 is hosting a food and...
We Thank Our Parishioners for Attending Our First Outdoor Mass
Many thanks to the more than 580 parishioners who joyfully participated in the celebration of our first Outdoor Mass on Sunday, June 2 2024. God gave us a beautiful day to worship and praise Him outdoors, together, as our St. Mark community. Please click the button below to see photos...