Deacon Paul has served as a Deacon at St. Mark’s since 1985.
He founded Bethlehem House in 2000 (a transitional home for homeless families). He also founded the Lord’s Kitchen in 2011, with St. Mark volunteers and those of 10 other area churches serving meals Mondays and Wednesdays of each week. Deacon Paul leads a team from St. Mark’s at Merton House, serving meals on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month. He is the leader of St. Mark’s Contemplative Prayer Group and Ministry to the Sick, serving those at Lord Chamberlain, Atria and Bridgeport Hospital. He also leads Parishioners Helping Parishioners for parishioners in need of help.
Deacon Paul is a graduate of Fairfield Prep, University of Virginia, and Georgetown Law Center. He’s been married 50 years to Judy Kurmay and has 3 children: Charles, Bridget and Stacy, and five grandchildren: Madison, Colin, Sophia, Bennett and Emily Mae.